What is Menstrual Hygiene? 

Menstrual Hygiene is vital to the empowerment and well-being of women and girls worldwide. It is about more than just access to sanitary pads and appropriate toilets – though those are important. It is also about ensuring women and girls live in an environment that values and supports their ability to manage their menstruation with dignity.


According to World Health Organization, a person aged 10–19 years is considered an adolescent. The transition period between childhood and adulthood is called adolescence which is marked by the growth and development of the child. During this period, the physical, psychological, and biological development of the child occurs. It is recognized as a special period in a girl’s life cycle that requires special attention. Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge on menstruation preparedness and management or due to shyness and embarrassment the situation becomes worse for girls. Menstruation is a natural process but it is still taboo in most countries as it is considered unclean and dirty.


Menstruation wastes are the wastes that are generated by a female in her reproductive years. These wastes are produced during menstruation commonly known as menses, periods, or monthly bleeding cycle.